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Wednesday, August 08, 2007


its freezing here
its free
freeeeezing out here


fucking weeds fucking chemicals
i wanna get away, as far as possible.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


these days in Italy,
the main topic has always been POLITICS.
there are many fascist and communist troups in north Italy, and also near Berlin.
also the anarchist, the skin heads, the punx, graffitti gangs, la Mafia system, the corrupted government, the racism mayer and police forces...
the maschio brotherhood, and the social structure is so clear that no one can dismiss it.
really rich resources for anthropological studies.

if i didnt get it wrong,
Venice is full of Communists gangs,
and Treviso is full of fascists.
they fight each other in sccor games.
the fight is so fierce that the soccer game had to stop!
and they say its a WAR! (WAR is not over, then.)

"if my way of living is different from yours, then there will be conflicts. its a war about faith, about philosophy of life. Im not the kind of person that if someone slaps me on the left face, ill give him the other, Sometimes you have to fight!! to Fight you have several ways, not only through body violence, gun-fire, but also through information and culture, which is my way to Fight" said Davide, a kind and good-looking-guy working in the Biennale del Venizia.

"like some anti-war exhibitions in Biennale?"

"those anti-war exhibitions in biennale is a kind of way, but its a way for the high class, not for the public. so i think the main way is through public media that everyone can see, can hear, and can understand."

"Contemporary high art is killing its self. so that low arts are way more interesting." said Lorenzo, our lovely host who is only 19 years old. He was the Boss of a underground youth association (something like the Mountain Guerilla in TPE, only that they founded it since they were 15 years old!!!) ,and now he had stopped some of the activities to prepare to study philosophy in collage.

"Your opinion is like that of Gao Xing-Jian."

"Kao Sin... who??"

Italian Men are full of passion and energy for their political ideals,
and they Do it before they say it. --a bit moved today.

a mysterious train

after i parted with some new friends in Venice, i walked without too many mistakes to the train station.
i got on the train, thinking, ill be home soooon.

and i fell a sleep.

when i first woke up, i was at Mestre.
i thoght, um, two more stations to sleep.

and i REALLY fell asleep!!

i opened my eyes when the train is stopping at a small station,
i asked someone beside me, is it Treviso?
he gave me a gesture of... (it passed long long time ago).
so i had to get off at this small station, Casarsa.

at the station Casarsa, i must ve seemed quite hopeless!
there wasnt any phone, nor any agent at the office, nor passengers, nor clock, no no no no no!

and suddenly, this black guy, Adam appears!
i asked him to lend me his cell phone to call my friend, Lorenzo.
Lorenzo was worried but apparently he didnt want to drive for 2 hours to pick me up!
so i said, No no no, you dont need to drive. ill stay at the train station and come back tomorrow morning.
which i did.

and Adam, he is really kind.
he was like a ghost living in the train station.
he took out a blanket and ask me to sleep beside him.
he went in to the blanket, pat on the empty space beside him, and said, "ok. sleep!"

it was freezing.
and i need a blanket!
so i slept beside him,
and he s a real gentleman that we didnt touch a bit.

its been a freezing night, and i was woken up by the train moving right above my head.

the most difficult part is to get out of the blanket and stay in the bone-sawing-wind!!

and the rest is OK.

Adam and i shared a brief moment of appreciating the beautiful Aurora-(moment of sun rise)

we said Ciao as usual, and went on for each ones own trips.

in travel

its like thousands of memories flashing back
i d love to stay like this in limbo
no heaven
nor hell

i love my travel mate Pinti
she s the best

what else could happen i d like to see
theres nothing out of the limit

oh yes there is
my cowardly chicken heart is my limit

it is that if i can face myself
and show it to everyone

without laughter
and dont cry

the world is all that is the case

you get ivresse into something
and suddenly you got kicked out

you get really into some nostalgia
you miss your friend
you miss those that hasnt been proved
and you miss all that you ve abondoned
and those that gave you up

on the road
on the road

this is Venice I know.

two and three

sorry i said stupid things
guess i was drunk then

concepts went into nothing
just give it a laugh then

i touch with my tongue
a shiverring leaf
guess it just too dry then

i knocked the door
and no responce
guess nobody there then